GemFORGE offers a bespoke solution tailored to the unique review needs of innovative cryptocurrency projects. Navigating through the rapidly evolving digital currency landscape can be complex, and that's where we come in. We provide an objective and thorough external assessment, identifying potential challenges and delivering customized solutions to meet your project's specific needs.


We understand the risks associated with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) in the cryptocurrency space, which can potentially hinder your project's growth. To address this, we include a Confidentiality clause in our service contract. This clause ensures that your project's sensitive information is securely guarded for an agreed period, typically six months. This period allows your project the necessary breathing room to achieve your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and incorporate the recommended enhancements from our analysis.


Once the confidentiality period expires, we will revise our report to suit a broader audience, providing your project with increased exposure and traction in the market. Our services are particularly beneficial for early-stage projects that have yet to reach their MVP or are planning to deploy a coin/token for public sale.


Here is a summary of our offer:



  • £3000.00 (GBP), or its equivalent value in $USDC or $USDT (via the BEP20 network)


Key Features:

  • Confidentiality Clause: We prioritize the security of your project's data and adhere to strict confidentiality measures during the agreed upon period.
  • Tailored Report for Your Team: We provide a customized Fundamental Analysis Report designed to cater to your project's specific needs and challenges.
  • Free Update for Wide Publication: After the expiration of the confidentiality period, we offer a free revision of the report for wider audience dissemination.
  • Option to Upgrade to GemPRIME or GemGUARD: For projects seeking an even more comprehensive service, we provide options to upgrade prior to your free revision.



  • Certificate Availability: Please note that a certification is not included in the GemFORGE package. However, this feature is available with an upgrade to GemPRIME or GemGUARD.
  • Distinct After-Sales Approach: Unlike GemPRIME or GemGUARD, GemFORGE does not include a 2-year after-sales service. Instead, a post-confidentiality update is available at a reduced rate, ensuring ongoing support for your continued development. Terms Apply.
  • Payment Methods: We currently do not accept payments in native tokens for the GemFORGE service.


In conclusion, GemFORGE is a powerful ally in the complex and rapidly changing cryptocurrency market. We provide a comprehensive Fundamental Analysis Report, aiding projects in informed decision-making, effective risk management, and long-term investment strategizing. Let us empower your project to confidently navigate and succeed in the expansive digital currency landscape.


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